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August 10, 2010



I was so excited to see your name and blog listed among the best of the best! I am not at all surprised, though.

I have missed your voice online. Can't wait to read/hear what's next. Give that beautiful boy of yours a squeeze from me and a high five from Nik. xo


Look forward to your return to blogging!


you deserve it, susan. you have a beautiful and important voice.


well deserved. I have loved reading this blog. I await whatever comes next.

Marie  Thornton

I also have a 7 year old, who i knew had autism at 2. It has been a hard,and painfull journey. No one knows until they have walked in your shoes. We have been trying so hard to get him more resources.He talks some,not conversations but words and some phases.We had ABA therpy,only taken from us because,of no therpist and little funding.We have him in school,but their program isnt what he needs,we are fighting with advocates to get him what he needs.Its refreshing to hear of your sons triumpths.I was sitting here feeling sorry for myself when i came upon your blog.I truly believe in God and i think, it wasnt a accident i came upon your post. Please keep posting,and may God continue to bless your family.


I look foward to your return as well, and agree with teh accolades. Yours is a very important voice and perspective. I know how hard it is, and can't imagine how hard it is to blog as well. But just wanted to let you know you have an audience out there.

Rebecca Reinhardt

I just started to follow your blog. I stumpled upon it from an article I found in the Disability Studies Quartlerly. I am a senior at Syracuse University studying Interior Design. I know, you're probably thinking Interior Design - Autism, what's the connection? But I have decided to focus on the topic of Autism for my senior thesis project. I have been researching for about a month now and later on in the year I will have to apply my research to an Interior Design related project. I am most interested in personal experiences of autistic individuals, as well as their families, particularly the care takers. I find your blog remarkable and I think it gives many people out there hope.

I also have a blog about my process and research for my thesis. If you're interested take a look!


thank you for sharing your experiences!

Daleth McCoy

Hi! You're a great, interesting, zany writer. As a complete and total stranger, I'm asking, why don't you write here anymore?

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