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September 23, 2009



Well said Susan. I've often times wondered at their methods. They probably have good intentions but gosh this makes me feel terrible about my nephew not hope. Thanks for this beautifully written piece.


Thank you for this. I think I will share this with my mother. Just in case the AS video actually becomes a television commercial she is likely to see. Which actually gets me thinking about another aspect of this and other AS videos. I wonder if they've considered that their fear mongering, the-sky-is-falling messages also damage many family relatinships and support structures which, because of differences of understanding or opinions about what's best for an autistic family member, are tenuous at best.

Jordan  Sadler, SLP

Beautifully said, Susan, as always. I completely agree with you. Well done.

drama mama

Oh Susan. Thank you for putting words to my heart.


"I am not a sap about this. It's difficult. It's exhausting. It's frightening sometimes. It's bloody expensive. It's tough on my marriage, my family, my friends and probably my health.

But I am happy. My son and husband are happy."

Exactly. Well said, Susan, from beginning to end.


GORGEOUS post, susan!! thank you. yes yes. i demand respect for my son, for yours, for all our sons and daughters.


Great post, Susan. You've said it so well.


If only the Autism Speaks folks could read this and really understand it.

Wonderfully said.


Awesome post! Thanks :)


I've been stewing over this video for a few days now, looking for the right words to describe my feelings. You put it beautifully. I linked to this post on my FB profile, I hope that's okay.


You've said exactly what I've been feeling. It's so nice to see you back posting.

Autism color

Awesome post! Well posted and thanks...

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