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December 05, 2008



Sounds like it was very interesting! And, um, sorry for trying to blackball you in the 'net. Oops...maybe I need remedial Twitter lessons?


I would have really enjoyed learning about this program when I was teaching elementary school! That seems like the logical place for this type (and general tolerance) of training, yet the practicality of what you mentioned here would be really useful for adults as well. I am really struck by "not about me, without me". Serious food for thought.

I agree with Heather, asking is important. My son wears cochlear implants and since that requires electronic devices literally attached to the sides of his head via a magnet, we get a lot of stares. I'd love the chance to talk about it, but people are afraid to seem rude.

Heather McCracken

HI Susan
Thank you for your kind comments and your wonderful blog.

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