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August 18, 2008


drama mama

Intermission. I like that. Time to refresh, take a break, and think about the next act.

I'm using it.


Lovely post, Susan. Thank you.

Special Needs Mama

I love hearing stories about your time together. It's so comforting.

squid rosenberg

Isaac needs to meet my friend Jeff the next time Jeff's in town -- he is a platform diving coach and can teach Isaac some moves on our trampoline.

Always amazed by how seamlessly you downshift into lucid contemplation.


Oh, how I long to hear Isaac's rendition of Staying Alive!

Bet you can't picture it without the corners of your mouth drawing upwards into a smile!


Ah, Susan, no need to ever feel like you must "tuck in the corners" for any of us. It's the random, the "unkempt" and the intermissions that connect us all. At least, that's what *I* think...

I keep reading on so many blogs that tese dog days of summer are the hardest for our kids. The lack of predictable structure, the change in the earth and the air; I think ours feel the changes in the air and don't quite know how to be with it.

Sending hugs to you all.

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