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July 08, 2008



Outstanding! I salute Dr. X...we've known our share, too. They are good as gold! So glad to hear about the speech.

Special Needs Mama

Oh, oh oh. Thank you, and bravo. I have one of those in my files somewhere too. Seems like a rite of passage. xo.


Hurray! Great news, I'm so glad they finally came through.


This is such good news! We know how much time and effort you two have put into reaching this resolution.
PS I loved Isaac's various renditions of Happy Birthday over the phone.That made my day.

drama mama

Mazel Tov. Dr. X performed a mitzvah. Kenoharrah.

What does it take to get a kid a little help around here? Sheesh.


Congratulations. It is a fight. It takes so much stubbornness to win it.

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