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May 19, 2008


Jordan Sadler, SLP

Wow. Well done, Susan! Oh, the power of the social story. It's amazing, especially in the right hands.


Now THAT is some seriously fine QAP right there, my friend!


There was a fire drill on my first day of school in Manhattan, right after we moved there from Mexico City. Needless to say, I did not yet speak English. I didn't understand the word "drill" but I somehow knew the word "Fire!"

That night, at dinner, I told my Mother that I didn't want to go to school because I was scared of fire. I remember how scared and overwhelmed I felt during the drill.. and how I couldn't quite believe my parents when they tried to explain that the fire wasn't real.

I was 4.

cry it out

QAP indeed! I hope this continues to help -- way to go!

drama mama


I wish you were my mom.

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