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May 10, 2008



Wow. Lisa (and Susan), this is so incredibly timely and useful. Thank you for this. I am actually bookmarking this post and printing it for my husband. (You know how it is; they always take the direction better when they hear it from someone else! ;-) )

Seriously, there is so much that I can use with Nik right now that may help to avoid some of the tantrums I see beginning to appear.


Yes! Thank you! Good to know!!

Karen DeGroot Carter

My kids are NT but always had trouble with transitions so I find this very interesting. What I wouldn't have given for this advice back then! At least I learned to limit the number of transitions early on, especially for my son. My one question: does handing the child something heavy to carry simply give them a distraction or is there something else it helps with? Karen in Denver


This is fantastic, Susan. Thanks for printing it here. I immediately sent the link to loads of people!

Lisa deFaria, LCSW

In response to the question regarding why have the child "carry" something (modestly) heavy? I find that this can help "ground" some children during a transition (from car to front door, etc.) - carrying it provides pressure/input, slowing them down and helping them focus on the motor planning involved.

Hope that helps!

Emmanuelle Coache

What a wonderful website! Thank you. It is the first time I read something so appropriated to my son.
I moved my son to a new school in NY state so he can learn English (we are from the province of Quebec). The low ratio in the classroom (1/10) seemed interesting for my son with a pdd-nos. And he was very much motivated in learning English as a second language.
Imagine what was my surprise when the principal called me and told me that the problem with my son was not his syndrome. She told me that the problem was because he was "spoiled". She also told me that in the afternoon, she "would have killed him" because he was not doing the things the way she wanted it to be done.
What do you think about that?

Lisa deFaria

Yikes, wow, and a big "so very sorry" to be posting this response ...(at least three months far too late.....!) I just recently checked back in.

I cannot simply fathom a dedicated school principal responding to your very appropriate concerns in this fashion. (Hello???)

In the immediate circumtance,if these issues remain, I suggest that you do what you can to self educate yourself on your child's rights. (www.wrightslaw.com), etc. You may need a qualified special education attorney.

Best of luck,
Lisa deFaria, LCS W, BCD

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