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March 19, 2008



How exciting!
Great photos!


I don't know why but looking at those pictures has made me weepy this morning...in a good way.

I envy your being able to be there for such a special occasion but am grateful for your sharing it. xo


Awesome! I can't wait to see it myself.

Tricia Regan

Susan -- you are terrific! A great writer, and who knew, a great photographer as well. Do you think you could email me the photos you took? They are the best I have seen thus far.

Thanks for all of your support. We had an equally, though totally different, fantastic premiere event in NYC the other night. I just love how good this movie makes people feel about people.

Lots of love to you -- Tricia Regan (director: Autism: The Musical)


I also attended the LA screening of the film. It really was a great day. I found out that Elaine has her own website www.TheMiracleProject.com. She has a lot of great information on there.

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