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February 15, 2008


susan senator

Hi -
I wish I had words of wisdom for you, but that's why I wrote the book: because we all come up with our own answers, our own formulas, our own peace. We are the experts on our children. It is possible to have a happy family, it just might not look the way you expected way back when! Nat's 18 now and doing great. He's still very autistic, but he is also very great.


Susan, this is beautiful. And thank god for the rest of us that you did decide to start writing. I still have the very first email you sent me--not quite a year ago--and I remember being so relieved to find that our story wasn't unique, that there were other parents out there struggling with the same things and carrying the same heavy load.

Yes, thank god you started writing.


Susan, thank YOU for having the courage to sit down and start writing 371 days ago. I was exactly where you describd when I reached out and found you...and so many others.

Like I said in my post last night...God bless technology. It's kept me sane in so many ways.


I haven't told you how much your writing has meant to me. I don't know what I'd do either without this community and without each parent's perspectives and words of advice and wisdom - especially when I'm feeling alone. Keep on writing.


Like you, I was given all sorts of advice and recommendations for various books that promised to help me understand my son.

But your writing (and that of other parents) has been, hands down, most helpful to me on this journey.

In the end, we are the real experts when it comes to our children. Sharing our instincts, observations and joys makes us all a lot smarter.

Thank you.

drama mama

Oh my God. I felt exactly the same way, read the same books.

Yes, thank God for technology; thank God for YOU.

I'm having a moment RIGHT NOW, which is why I'm here RIGHT NOW, and lo,
here is this post.


Thank you.


we haven't visited that deep deep place...but we are using ABA as a form of speech therapy. all day i struggle now with my parenting. is it quality time? am i making something of it? can i turn this into an opportunity to request language? should i use a motivator? can i just let him watch kipper and have a snack?????????


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