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January 07, 2008


Linda Bernstein

I read the article in the New York Times. Unfortunately, I read it after the show was aired on PBS. My grandson, who is an incredible, talented, handsome, lovable,and caring brother to his adopted sister, of 6-1/2. He is a brilliant young man of 12 years of age with Asperger's. I would like to know if I can buy a CD of the program? Any information you could send me would be greatly appreciated. I would like to write about my grandson one day as he is the most fantastic person in this world. He fills my heart in every way. He was diagnosed with autism when he was 18 months old and had 40+ hours of therapy from the age of 22 months through 5 years of age. He has been mainstreamed all these years and now is in 6th grade, doing accelerated 8th grade math. He is musically talented with a beautiful voice; plays the piano, (and wants to learn the guitar), and a great video game player; (the Wii is his game of choice, as is the Nintendo DS) He is a lot of fun, great personality and has wonderful friends. He is exceptionally warm and loveable. He and I share a bond that will never be broken. Yes, I see many things that Asperger's is all about, but I am forever grateful to all the people that have guided and helped him in his 12 years, and still do. My daughter and son-in-law are incredible parents. They and all the help they got for him has made him the incredible young man he is today. A gem! Thank you.

Puma Shoes

Yes, I agree to this blog that the parent should educate their kids at the early stage of their life. So that they can easily adapt themselves when they are ready to go to school. It must be not the high end one, but at least a kid can do anything to it to learn basics.

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