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December 05, 2007



I agree--woo hoo for Isaac.

I know exactly what you mean about the social "pick-ups" and it is fascinating to watch and see what sticks and what doesn't. I wonder if it is like this for all parents or only for parents of kids with speech issues? My son has started to say "Matter of fact," and "Last but not least," and it never ceases to make me smile. Especially when I consider where we started.

Hooray for you, Isaac!


Or, in the words of Gretchen Wilson ("Redneck Woman")? "HELL YEAH!" And a double Woo-Hoo from the east coast for your sweet boy. xo

drama mama

Rock on, Isaac! As my high school students would say, "You're hella sav! That is so SICK!"

(Let's hope he doesn't go THERE!)

Daddy Dan

Congrats! That is awesome!

I know that with my son, Mikey, any sound that seems like a word is enough to make me cheer and smile.

Mikey is also a great imitator so we hear bits and pieces of words we say around him. And, I admit with some embarrassment, we've even said a couple off-color words on purpose just to see if he'd say them. Luckily, he has been selective in that area. :-)


That's fantastic, Susan, and you're right to celebrate! I'm so excited!

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