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December 04, 2007


Kathryn Johansen

Our situation is proof positive that you should not wait. When my son was 20 months of age he received a diagnosis of ASD. To me and my husband, there was nothing THAT glaring. Now at age 5 1/2, he still has not begun speaking but he is picking up signs and trying hard to talk. He says a few words. But, when he was 20 months, or 3 years old, etc., it was still hard to tell what was going on. Now, of course, the delay is glaring. Who knows where we would be without the therapy we began at 2 years of age? By the way, both OT and ST basically were doing the same things...both were just trying to get him motivated enough to respond to something. Even in speech, our therapist first used a swing or a trampoline and worked closely with the OT. Getting the child's attention and retaining it for as long as possible is the key. My OT would hold my son upside down and then tickle him. She then got great eye contact and would sit down and do a puzzle with him. Words popped out when she did that. I say be on the safe side and do therapy!


I couldn't agree more! All the doctors and nurses who told us "Oh, Nik will catch up, don't worry!" did do Nik (and us) a great disservice.

drama mama

Why would anyone want to take a risk with something as important as their child's development?


Do everything possible. Whatever means necessary.


Susan E

Oh, we struggled with this. And we chose therapy pretty much immediately, but it was so hard--we didn't want to "overreact," "pathologize," etc. So it meant doing one thing, while we reserved judgment on the other. I wouldn't do anything differently if I had to do it again, except, perhaps, to obsess less. :-)

Ellen Gerstein

Is there a chance that therapy services could be deterimental to a child? I can't think of many sitations, other than with a poor provider, where this is the case. Why wouldn't you want to get your child evalauted? Why not have more people in your court, advocating for your child.

Great post, BTW.


I'm relieved the read the responses to this post. After our oldest was dx'd with Asperger's, I started to think when our youngest was born and as I watched our middle son mature that I was becoming paranoid, looking for problems in every little thing. I was in denial because I was worried about being too aware.

Now that our baby is 16 months old and has yet to utter anything except "da," which he says for everything, and has yet to indicate any kind of special idiom for the people in his life, I feel that concern. And I have asked myself, am I just overreacting? But taking this sign along with several others (he walks like John Wayne, he has delayed motor development and retained primitive reflexes, he swings one arm when he walks but tucks the other, etc.), I have to feel like these are objective signs of issues that could be ameliorated with therapy.

And if that's not enough, just reading the comments here is enough. "Do everything possible." Yes, we are and we will. But it's nice to know that others heartily concur.

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