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November 26, 2007



Awesome post...that`s how I feel sometimes about him.I try to practise whatever his therapists tell me I should..but sometimes I can`t help but to think...he needs a break.AND SO DO YOU!!!


Wonderful post, Susan. You put into words what so many of us feel at times. It's good to tell that voice to shut up. Sometimes I think we should do it more often!


This is great, Susan. We all need that down time. Especially the kids. Follow your intuition on that!

(And, by the way, although I was so sad to leave Beata behind, when I see comments like the one above I'm so glad you've got her now!!)

drama mama

Man. I wish that I wrote this post. This is SO perfectly stated. Yes. Breaks. Warmth. Love. Best therapy I can think of.


God Bless you for this timely reminder.


Hi. I stop by here from time to time but have never left a comment before. I loved this post. My guy isn't that much older than yours -- he just turned five -- and this is something that I STILL struggle with. But I have a habit of having to RE-learn valuable lessons over and over again. Anyway, I just wrote a post about a very similar internal dialoge regarding GFCF. I wonder if all moms have those self-debates!

Kathryn Johansen

I wrestled with this, too in the beginning. My son was 5 in July. I still think that home is a soft place to fall. He has learned a lot from taking the DVDs out and examing them and stacking them, hanging out with mom on his bed, hanging out with his books, etc. You just cannot be planning every second like you said. My boy is exhausted when he gets home from his ESE kindergarten. He rides the bus to and from school and has therapy there. I am going to add ABA later on...it's so expensive and therapists are few and far between. Just when you least expect it, they DO make those leaps.

Ellen Gerstein

There's never enough time for the cuddling, I find. And that's worth more than all the therapy in the world. Call it Mommy therapy.

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