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October 20, 2007


drama mama

I have been WAITING to see this! Kyra of THIS MOM raved about this. Arghhh-- I'm in deep rehearsal. What to do?

This is a must-see, folks!

Rachel Norton

I have my own issues with Autism Speaks - mainly related to that video, Autism Every Day. But I've also spent a fair amount of time with various Autism Speaks employees or high-level volunteers and it is a much bigger tent than has been portrayed. The autism advocacy movement has a long, sad tradition of destroying itself from the inside, and I really hope that all the vitriol against Autism Speaks, from both the chelation people and the autism acceptance people isn't just another example of that. I guess what I think we need is to agree on some broad priorities: awareness, better support for families from schools, government and the medical establishment, and overall acceptance that our kids are here, they're quirky (some very much so, others less so), and so we need to figure out how to educate them, employ them and include them in society once they are grown. In my experience, that is what Autism Speaks is mostly about.

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