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July 08, 2007



Amen, sister.


If you find your long lost mojo can I borrow some? Boy, sounds like a pretty wonderful day w/Isaac. Gotta love spontaneity!

Vicki Forman

Oh do I recognize these feelings, boy do I recognize them. For a long time, I wished for a simple meal for the four of us, a dinner out. Our service coordinator suggested going early, before the crowds. What a magical concept! We tried lunch and it worked, some behavorial stuff from Evan while he tested the waters: he didn't want to be in the restaurant, were we going to give in? Nope. Did we ignore the stares of others when he started acting out? Yep. Did my husband get massively uncomfortable? Yes. But I held my ground, ate my noodles and thanked the heavens for the patience all around us.

Since then I can't say we've repeated the experiment, but I find the rhythm of wanting, then asking, then waiting to be the one that works for me.

And I hate crowds, so rather than a trip to the zoo or Disneyland, all I really want is to sit on a bench with my son and eat some pizza. I'm really glad you had this moment. Thank you for sharing it.

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