I have tag guilt. In the past few weeks, Kristen, Jen and Vicki have kindly tagged me, and I have to admit I have been a wholly unsatisfactory tag-ee. So I will try to undo some of my bad karma with this post, and plan to do better in the future. Vicki's tag was the "Eight Random Facts" meme, which has been making its way around the blogosphere lately. First, the rules:
1. Let others know who tagged you.
2. Players start with 8 random facts about themselves.
3. Those who are tagged should post these rules and their 8 random facts.
4. Players should tag 8 other people and notify them they have been tagged.
And now the facts:
1. The sound of Garrison Keillor's voice sets my teeth on edge. Nothing personal, Garrison, but I have to change the station whenever A Prairie Home Companion comes on the radio.
2. My parents were in the music business, so as a child I got to meet a lot of celebrities: Michael Jackson, Stevie Wonder, Davy Jones (of Monkees fame), and Smokey Robinson, who came to dinner and chanted Buddhist prayers in our guest bathroom between courses, slightly freaking out my mother, who feared they might be ill.
3. I have published a few translations of poems and short stories from the Italian.
3. I really, really, wish I could sing.
4. Vicki, this is for you: I do love to cook, but I don't have much time for it. I subscribe to the "use great ingredients and don't do much to them" philosophy, which works pretty well in crunchy-organic Northern California. I'm a horrible baker though, because I can't help experimenting.
6. I read every single book Agatha Christie ever wrote before I turned 18.
7. I went to elementary school with Todd Haynes, who was my best friend in the 5th grade. He was the first vegetarian I ever met, introduced me to the pomegranate, and cast me opposite him as Mrs. Keller in our 6th-grade production of "Helen Keller." His mom directed.
8. I sort of have a periodic thing for video games, especially the ones where you have to shoot aliens. And I love movies. Love them. Talky, emotional ones, ones where things explode, whatever. But they have to be good on their own terms.
Now I have something else to admit. Most of the people I thought to tag have been tagged already, so I'll tell you what: I'm planning to meet some new bloggers at BlogHer, so will introduce you to them after I get back. Deal?
Deal. And I love Todd Haynes. Wow.
Posted by: Vicki Forman | July 16, 2007 at 07:20 PM
Wow, I thought I was the only one with the Garrison Keillor voice aversion! LOL
Saw your comment on my post. Hope Isaac didn't hit you too hard with that car! Ah...kids!
Posted by: Niksmom | July 17, 2007 at 07:47 AM
Only tagged with love; no obligation, ever!
Posted by: jennifergg | July 21, 2007 at 04:02 PM