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May 27, 2007



You have so perfectly captured this afternoon outing - I feel like I was there!! It's so amazing when children switch gears like that; when they're in the angelic phase you can hardly believe they were "screaming maniacs" so recently. Sounds like you managed it well!


I realized recently that quite often my little monkey is the most well-behaved child in the restaurant... I cannot possibly let him wander from the table..since he might escape... etc. We have a rule "knees or bottom only" on the chair.. when Jake saw another kid walking around a booth.. he looked at me for an explanation. I found myself so irritated with this other family...how dare they have a child who can speak and follow directions and not provide the same guidelines that we work so, so hard on with our "special needs" child. Ugh.
I hope you got to eat some pizza. Cheers to your spontaneity too!


Can I vote for all of the above, again? :)

Lovely post.


I think I failed the quiz...and would have failed it my own life as well. It's just so damn unpredictable, isn't it?

I did smile (and even stifled a laugh) while reading, but trust me, I've been there—many many times.

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